Humanities Program

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The UA&P Humanities PROGRAM 

The liberal education program is the bedrock of university studies in UA&P.

The University focuses on developing the whole person, as well as combines breadth of learning and professional specialization, in its educational programs. Our students go through a strong liberal education program in their first years in the University. Thereafter, they begin to take subjects in their chosen field of specialization. If they choose a five-year program and meet all its academic requirements, they may graduate with a master’s degree in five years.

As they take up these various areas of knowledge, the students are trained to look at ideas with a critical eye, an analytical mind, and ethical judgment, and to understand issues from differing points of view. And as the subjects are taught using a multidisciplinary approach, the students learn to make connections across disciplines and see the big picture while understanding the complexity of each part. The liberal arts program also trains students to communicate ideas clearly, precisely and persuasively in speech and in writing.

Latest news

Here are the recent news about the Humanities Program:


Congratulations to Mr. Gerwin Silvestre for successfully taking the October 2024 National Medical Achievement Test (NMAT)!💙🩺👨‍⚕️

We are incredibly proud of your achievement and excited for your future in medicine! 💐

The Health Humanities at UA&P is a multidisciplinary program that sets the preparation for professions in the fields of medicine and healthcare on a humanistic foundation. As the Humanities expose students to the wealth of human pursuits and achievements, this course provides an excellent venue for students to esteem the deep significance of what it means to be human. This valuable mindset and disposition is what current practice in healthcare deem indispensable.

Camp Kallos: HUM General Assembly

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Humanities Masters Theses 2023-2024

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Francisco "Pio" Pantaleon at the Hildebrand Project

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HIGHLIGHTS | Congratulations to Mr. Gerwin Silvestre for successfully taking the October 2024 National Medical Achievement Test (NMAT)!💙🩺👨‍⚕️We are incredibly proud of your achievement and excited for your future in medicine! 💐The Health Humanities at UA&P is a multidisciplinary program that sets the preparation for professions in the fields of medicine and healthcare on a humanistic foundation. As the Humanities expose students to the wealth of human pursuits and achievements, this course provides an excellent venue for students to esteem the deep significance of what it means to be human. This valuable mindset and disposition is what current practice in healthcare deem indispensable.📖 Discover more about the program: ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from UA&P Enlistment's post ... See MoreSee Less
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Empowering Minds, Shaping Futures

Within the Humanities Program, our commitment extends beyond mere professional development. We cultivate graduates to embody exemplary citizenship, fostering critical thinking and empathy. Armed with these skills, our graduates make meaningful contributions to diverse communities and workplaces, enriching the fabric of society


About UA&P

The formation of UA&P students is facilitated by an environment conducive to learning, qualified and dedicated teachers, a superior faculty-to-student ratio, and well-maintained facilities.


"I talked about my AB Humanities journey at UA&P’s Career Fair and how it has shaped me to become the published author that I am today. I emphasized how my Humanities background has helped me reinvent myself when I got sick and became a PWD. Having a Humanities background has propelled me to explore my skills in writing and conceptualizing my books so that I can fully focus on my health. I will always be here to share how my UA&P life has empowered me through the years. I really meant what I said in my speech, that my college era was the happiest time of my life."

LUCAS-Samantha Gail

Ms. Samantha Gail Lucas
Bachelor of Arts Major in Humanities 2008 | Writer

Phone:  (02) 8637-0912 LOCAL 330


Facebook: UA&P Humanities Program

Address: College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Faculty Center 7th floor ACB Building University of Asia and the Pacific Pearl Drive, Ortigas Center, 1605 Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines

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